Well my friends and I play this ALOT and we're not bored, thanks for reply though.
For many years people have been asking bungie questions along the lines of: "ZOMG! Can we r haz boatz in halo plz?!!!1!!1" Now, I, UrgentFusionguy...
First off the map looks great. The interlocking is awesome and the gametype is something I've never seen before or thought possible. Secondly...
Yeah sure I really just made the smaller ones above to see how the gametype would go down with the community so now I'll start making a larger map...
Thanks for feedback alos spelling= fixed
SWehiles SWehiles (pronounced sw-here-cles) is my latest map(S) and what may soon be a well known fun new game-type :D. SWechiles As some...
mabye you could find a way to put the explosives ontop of the yellow grav lift so it looks kinda like this R E G G G G Where the g's are the...
K guys I'll give it a go
Hey guys. I've been trying to work out for ages but nothing works. Merging open boxes (double and single) is really hard. They just don't seem to...
This looks perfect you got a Dl as soon as I saw the first pic. Honestly man I want to say more but it is perfect it really keeps you on the edge...
Looks like a very good race lots of fliping :P But the first ramp picture no.2 looks a bit messy near the top. I'll dl and I hope to see a v.2
I'll be honest and say your map is very sloppy on the perimiter walls, the idea is unorigional (<-sp?) and the dumpster looks like it only has a...
Thanks for the comments guys I will make a V2 when I get the time :)
BUTCHER Butcher is a medium sized map on foundry recomended for 4-8 players mabye even 12 at the most. The map took three hours to make. This...
It's looks like a v.good map but my only critisisim would be that it looks really plain on the, outside add more cover (v.2 mabye). I'll dl though...
there are just 3 things I want to say about your map after playing and looking at it. 1. It's a bit empty 2. where is the teleporter to the drop...
k thanks guys I'll try using this some-time tomorrow and tell u if anything works
Yeah so when I try to geo-merge I always have the object go into the ground at an angle - never flat - I always surround the object with imovable...
I will dl and post back looks fun tho
this looks so similar to the actual thing but the bits of floor that stick out from the outside of the 2 prongs need to be smaller