Btw what kind of laptop do you have? Just curious.
kk thank you!
You know rep doesn't work anymore right?
Hey I was wondering could you link me to the halo 3 emblem brushes you use please?
Sorry guys I will post in a sig shop then.
Can anyone do this at all? I would do graphics myself (I have photoshop cs3) but I suck at making graphics and nobody has been nice enough to...
No Problemo
Sorry for being sorta out of way in the Tester's Guild but I have been busy with school so now I am back. Also I am getting my FH changed back to...
How are you so good at graphics? I suck terribly but I wanna be like you lol
Okay Dokey =)
I will add you now. Thaks for replying to my thread. GT: HomieG54
Thanks for all the help guys! I will try my best.
Don't they have to be either asymmetrical or symmetrical?
Looks pretty nasty right now. Most likely to get featured in my opinion.
Oh Ok. Thank you.
WOW! I love this map. It is completely amazing. It uses most (as I can see from the pictures) Forging 101 techniques. It uses interlocking,...
How did you get your map links to look like that in your signature?
Hello there fellow hubbers! I am in desperate need of a new sig seeing mine is currently getting old. Now I had an idea of a signature that...
I'm going to be starting a couple of maps soon so when they are finished do you think you could make title cards for them?