Hey you seem really good with sketchup. I have a quick few questions: 1) During start up what Template should I pick? 2) How do you use...
Oh Ok Thanks Anyways.
Hey, I had a quick question for you. How do you get a competitive map Idea? I have always tried thinking and thinking but never get ideas.
Do you remember where you got the Purple Dinosaur avatar?
You use GIMP right?
Yea that's all I need but is that original size?
Yes Please.
Yea that but minus the tester's guild and the original render.
Like the skull that says Tester's Guild on it.
Hey I was wondering if I could have the bungie icon (used in the testers guild sig)? The one that you made by the way.
Nice sig. Where'd you get your sig.
Customs, GT-HomieG54
oh ok
Are you really good at halo?
lol I know what ya mean. I should be getting it soon... >_>
Ahh I've yet to purchase CS4. Way too much money though.
Do you use Photoshop?
Oh. Ok
Do you use GIMP?