I have the newer Pro version of the 360 (60GB HDD) and does that have an optical port? Also can the Tritton's only be used on the 360?
Have you used them for Halo?
I am interested in getting a gaming headset and was wondering if I get the Astro Gaming A40's but I know they are good for Halo but how about...
I'm in. GT-HomieG54
Lol Blakem0n are you talking about real life job or?......
Oh ok that's going to be awesome then. I already pre-ordered the game so I can't wait for it to come out. That's a good idea to put clan support...
I think it looks really good Shataki but my only questions are: RFG has clan support? Or is this on Gamebattles?
Hey Limeyy could you send me the Sketchup file so I can look at it and start building it? Also is that the final version or are you going to add...
Are you making that Limey? Cause if not do you mind if I take a stab? Also I have sketchup and don't know how to use it, can anyone teach me/give...
Thanks Pixie. And Blaze I suck at Sketchup but I would love to see your map when it's done.
Next time someone gets a competitive map idea do you think that I can have it (if your not going to use it)? Because I am terrible at getting map...
Hey I was wondering if you get another Competitive map idea if I could possibly have it because I have a huge huge problem with coming up with...
Hi, I have been interested in making MLG maps so is a thread or something you could link me to, to teach me the way to make MLG maps?
Could you link me to your finished Crysis wallpaper?
Because you deserve to be appreciated.
Your beast at GFX man.
I haven't seen you active in your Question thread so I will ask you here. I am building many maps and maps I have yet to build but I run into 1...
Hey MNM it's my new wallpaper. Btw if you put a stock in there (if there will be a edited version) could I use it as my desktop background too.
I agree octagons are fail! I always win with Host. Host powers FTW!
Is there anything you can teach me about sketchup?