right click and go to properties
just copy this and paste it on your avatar file to look like chief http://www.bungie.net/Forums/skins/default/avatars/somedd.gif
se you tomarrow
go ahead and accept the friend request and join my group s.o.e.g.
you no say nothin'
:squirrel_eyebrow:hey did you accept my freind request
oh by the way make a group and tell me the name
u r me friend look at dis video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d7IiiyukTc
so it be 7:30 centeral
it no show pics
there for some reson my other pic wouldnt work no more
here im gonna fix my pics
Man You Make All The Best Maps!!!
Rock On Fellow Forger!!!
hey when is the broke back meeting
well you insulted my fourum for my scarab
the image of it exploding reminds me of my xbox