yeah this map looks like a lot of fun!! at first i was like WTF is this sh!t then i reaslised what you have to do and it looks like...
yeah this is a pretty good looking racemap, there are a few things that could be fixed up like the plank turn but it is still really good. i also...
yeah it looks like a pretty good and fun infection map. overall very nicley forged and it is very asthetically pleasing. i will,like skarrow...
its not bad i can see how this map could be a lot of crazy fun with a ton of people playing it. it is sort of nice to look at from the outside,...
YES i am so happy someone has done this and done it better then the original. finally the hunter base is as you said "uncheatable"! the rest of...
yeah this is a pretty good loking mlg map. there is plenty of cover and a pretty solid weapon layout. it has an overall good construction and it...
yeah this looks like a pretty decent sky battle map. i liek the look of ech of the bases however i dont know about the path between bases this...
wow this is actually a very impressive remake of a very popular and extremely play ed halo 2 map. it looks very similar to the original map and i...
Yeah I would agree with the above comments there are a few totally unecessary things on this map however the rest of it looks pretty good it looks...
This looks like a pretty solid overall map. You have done a very nice job with the overall construction of the map it looks like a wonderfull...
It looks like a very solid map, nice forging and of is also very asthetically pleasing I can see some nice battles goingnon on this map I plan ok...
dun wry its gun b k! But yeah this was a ***** to get, you could try the language glitch to get it but if u want it legit then good luck good siR!
nicely stated Pulse... i would reccommend re-writing this. that;s all!
WOW this map loos absolutely fantastic. i am amazed with this map. i love everything you have done my favourite is the tower in the middle with...
yep this is just another example of how amazing a simple forger like yourself can create a totally wicked map on sandbox! this map looks awesome,...
ha ha this map looks so cool. you have done a very good job with this. asthetically it looks great and like a lot of fun. you have done a superb...
uber kewl i went from looking at one amazingly well done Ghost Town map to another amazing map. again, i love how beautifully you have geomerged...
this map looks like it could be a ton of fun. i really like how you have very nicely incorperated objects into the geometry, and i like how you...
that is very kewl dude i LOVE the second picture it is uber 1337 nicely dun 5/5
good job finding that i have yet to see this area before 4/5