Good day.
Didn't you claim this girl to be your girlfriend?
I got surprise sex.
A little bit.
... Never.
You ****ing suck. Btw, when it's legit the word redacted is in all caps. Example: [REDACTED]
Hi, I'm Berb.
... fllr.
What anime was redacted? Send it to me.
Holy **** Nut's a journo! Gratz man, good to know staff's gettin' their **** sorted.
If you actually concede defeat, post so in the thread.
No, everyone else knew my correct percent.
I didn't cheat, I was just dishonest to the person I was competing against for something of real value. I came to win, not let you win.
Give me the double xp codes and i'll accept the withdrawal
Today I finished at 66% with Crawler Slayer completed.
56. fllr
So I finished today at 25% completion.
You'll probably be able to gain some ground tomorrow because I'm at work all day.