Gratz bro!
Thanks Pac!
Hey buddy.
Welcome to ForgeHub! Hi, I'm Berb.
This is one of the few instances I fully agree with Bloo.
Forge is the most broken out of the entire game, yet they only apply one measly lighting fix to it.
Forgehub -Maps that are created as if to be played in the Halo 4 online matchmaking system. These are what you would expect the typical Halo...
Balance doesn't equal competitive, and non-balance doesn't equal casual. Saying casual should apply negative stigma towards the map, because the...
I loved playing this the other day. We need more casual objective games like this in Halo 4.
Man, if they have hornets...
BIOC Lobby Round 2 "Hanging out with Little Boys" with Berb [IMG] Hey everyone! Welcome to my lobby for BIOC Round 2!...
How've you been?
Broccolli no longer banned? What a glorious day this has been!
Aihab Redux Hi, I'm Berb. Today I'd like to show you guys a linear flood map I'm currently working on. It's my first Halo 4 map and harkens back...
Map Preview - Aihab Redux | Halo Customs
Do not want