A video sounds great! Just embed it into the map post. EDIT: There ya go, your map post is up to standards.
To complete your post, you need to have at least one image clearly showing your map, so we can glance and quickly decide whether we should...
Glorious. As for the map, I'm super excited. It has temporarily erased some of 343's ****ups from my bad books.
I'd trust Pac on this one, seeing as he was actually at the conference where this was announced... Also, it'd be nicer if you said "Can anyone...
I work at McDonalds.
Rooster Teeth. Needs more Rooster Teeth.
Check check it
Kind of. It's just that Paints doesn't have Landfall, and it'd be a shame to have the opportunity go to waste.
I'm making Episode 4 on Landfall currently. It's pretty much done.
Hi, I'm Berb. Welcome to ForgeHub!
Maturity's hard, eh?
I don't see an issue with modded/glitched maps/gametypes being posted. I think that under the circumstances Halo 4's extremely restrictive custom...
Your post is not up to Forge Hub's standards. These standards include: At least one embedded picture or video that clearly demonstrates the map....
Thanks, it was a while ago.
Hello Caboose, I'm Berb!
Essentially, I feel the same way. It's been good to see you evolve and get better as a forger, and It'll be upsetting not to see you in future...
They simply stopped playing. I know lots of people, some senior members of this forum, that just couldn't find time for videogames after quitting...
It's a bit late to revert to the proper Halo formula now, I think. The damage of 343's incompetence has by and large already been done.