The banana peel method has the exact same concept. Fill in the minor scratches so that the laser does not read that the disk is scratched....
Umm, yeah, staff do have that power. Although, DrawingMan is not staff, anyone can edit a quote.
I have the upmost respect for rusty eagle. He is straight to the point and isn't afraid to speak his mind, which the majority of the time is...
Obviously not modding, just a forge glitch such as interlocking, which as far as I'm concerned isn't modding, therefore not a bannable offence....
^^^ Lulz I guess that overrules my post. But seriously, why do we love to pleasure ourselves with another's discomforts?
Have fun, I'm sure you'll be missed in the meantime.
The opening ceremony was the best ever seen at an Olympic games. The amount of money spent on the stadium and ceremony was astronomical. It was...
Wow, bugging Sarge about this has caught on like a disease. Respect his wishes, when he says he doesn't want these type of messages, he means it....
That would be Nazareth.
There are many threads already discussing how the recent Bungie Favs have been crap recently. This is because Bungie no longer controls the pics...
No, you're excited when you're high on ecstasy. LOL.
Sounds good, it'll be done in doubles. You ****ing deserve it.
Are you kidding me... the top part absolutely dominates the whole game, and that is where you get poor gameplay. I think this would be better if...
Seriously, add the Traffic Cone to the list already.
Those YouTube tricks are a joke and DO NOT work. Banana peels and toothpaste? I don't think so, toothpaste is an abrasive and will ruin your game...
Yeah, I noticed this too, I don't recall any map where I've seenn the place they did it in. At first I thought Last Resort, but it is actually...
I think Last Resort and The Pit both describe the maps really well. The Pit, well there is a pit on either side of the map, and Last Resort suits...
If Blockbuster charges to have the disk cleaned, it might be beneficial to just buy a new Halo 3 game. The reason is that even if they re-surface...
Yeah, I meant CoD: WaW. Anyways, my point was that Treyarch can't make a good game.
Yay or Nay... definitely Nay. Treyarch fails at making CoD games. CoD 5 will suck just as CoD 3 did.