SuperTrooper - super trooper88 And I'm pretty sure I sent you a FR wakko, did you send one back? This just ensures that I don't attack people...
I'm pretty sure its completely random. But I did read on the site that you could team up somehow. EDIT: Yup, they're planning on adding a team...
Lolz thanks for the help ranking up Furious :D Furious and I pwn in doubles
^^^ Exactly. Who wouldn't want to be in prime shape for the majority of their life? This an amazing discovery that is sure to greatly enhance...
Wow 12 pages in a day, this is a overwhelmingly popular topic I guess. Oh, I can imagine that.
Wow this thread is filled with so much spam I don't know what to say... Anyways, I suppose Hooglebug is right, because after three times I...
I say that Bungie Favorites needs a balance of group and Bungie picks. It would be great if they just alternated weeks. This would not only...
At least my favorite sport has yet to be contaminated by steroids, hockey. As far as I know. I don't see the need for hockey players to take...
Kind of a spam post. This was the original thread about this topic, incase you didn't realize this thread is 2 months old. But yes, DtL is...
If what you say is true, you make a good point. I'll now be waiting for the Mythic map pack with intense anticipation.
If there is a swimsuit that provides a tangible advantage in the water, you can bet that all of the swimming athletes are wearing them. I think...
LOL. I think most athletes are roiding. That Spanish guy who won the men's bike race failed the drug test. I'm sure there are many more.
Get this straight. Gameplay > aesthetics in competitive maps, always. Great to see another doubles map on the feature board, I've been looking...
I noticed that too, and that is the exact reason why I prefer watching something like swimming as opposed to gymnastics. In swimming you either...
But you know, he has size 17 feet, basically has flippers.
Lol, go to the Medi Center and the back-drop is a pic of Maccu Pichu. (sorry if I spelled it wrong)
I mostly play team games, so its not a huge issue for me. I pick a color that I like, I don't think of a color to help me hide. But no, even in...
Oh, oh wow. If Bungie pulls off what it looks like they are trying to do, there will be little reason to ever doubt Bungie again.
They spent over $100 million on the opening ceremony alone, and they have spent a grand total of $40 billion so far for the Olympic Games. If...
The truth is the truth... and there isn't much more to it. Some people just don't know jack about gameplay, just what looks good.