7:00 PST don't forget, Bungie works out of Seattle.
Thanks kid. Might come to see you around Thanksgiving, or my brother (Ryan), might go instead. Regardless, one of us is coming to visit.
Th Kn1ght, I'll send you a FR, and maybe our teams can do some scrims sometime soon, perhaps today.
Yup, TC screwed themselves there. Legend is an awesome player, now I hate Classic, especially now that they have Mackeo. I'll probably cheer...
Sounds great. As for a team name, I'm not sure, but we can agree on that another time.
Get on Live. Lightz and I are doing some customs.
Yup, I'm getting online now if you want to play.
Wow FB is amazing. They just destroyed Time 2 Prove. I'll be waiting to see more.
It works pretty well and easily actually. Here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x35C3b0LV-A
Favorite recent movies: 1. The Dark Knight 2. Iron Man 3. 300 4. Superbad 5. I Am Legend All-time favorites: 1.> 2.>(insert Star Wars...
^^^ Exactly, the more people think about it, the more they don't want to lose control of their lives. The superiority complex some people develop...
I don't create machinima, and I don't really care for it. I think a lot of the people signing on the Lower The Guns thread don't even know what...
The reason why all the world records for swimming are being broken in Beijing is because they built the pools deeper, measuring 9 feet instead of...
Yup, he broke the record for most gold medals in an Olympics with his 8th gold medal today in the 4x100 relay. Basically, he is the greatest...
Judging by their BR's NEIGHBOR and Roy are some of the best slayers in MLG.
New to the playlist doesn't mean better. Amplified is pretty much garbage for every gametype. Sometimes CTF can be good though.
^^^ Aren't you the one supposed to be stalking their profiles? Lol. But yeah, its really hard to say this time. For the most part I have no...
I'm finding a bunch of guys around my level with like 0/85 W/L record, and holding over 1000 credits. I just feast on those guys.
Bigfoot... right. Their evidence is garbage. Indeed.
I'm still skeptical, when I get my Xbox back I will test this.