I like your map a lot, although any map would be better with interlocking. It see that you've taken your time and thought out very well as to...
I like the map alot, and you look like an experienced forger. The map looks very clean and although it looks like a fun thing to play i would...
Wow this is actually one of the few good infection maps ive seen. It looks very cool and the gameplay looks well thought out. the racoon city map...
Some thing like the fence boxes and the whole back row of boxes and the geo-merged crane are taken from Amp (which u should give credit for) and i...
Nice looking map man, the layout is sweet and i see some things that can be imoroved but it looks pretty cool. 5/5 and u got my download.
wow amazing idea and looks really fun. DL right now. 5/5
wow this is something that i have not seen before. you have a lot of nice ideas and your forging looks flawless. you got a DL from me. 5/5