Looks Fun and seems very unique. This is the first one i see on avalanche and you seem to have done a good job. It looks very nice and you merging...
OP you have been here one year and you still don't know the rules. The posting rules are here. Please read them and make sure your post is up to...
Wow This is one of the best maps i have ever seen. The spider looks awesome and it plays great especially since the spider alters the map layout. 5/5
Wow...man this map is simply amazing. The Asthetics are purely astounding. The whole idea of the train and the scoring system is pretty neat. The...
This map inst bad. I like the whole idea and it seems like a really fun thing to play. The only problem I see is that it's too hard for the flag...
This idea seems like alot of fun, You could have always interlocked and geo-merged more, because it would make you map look more cleaner and...
What's up Davy u didn't tell me you were working on a map like this. This seems really cool and I like how you geomerged the boxes. Im gonna DL...
This does seem like a very original idea and a great map. The interlocking is good although you can do alot more of it with the bridges and all...
This map looks very original and u did a good job implementing the traps. However in some pictures I don't know if you've taken away the ceiling,...
This looks like a great map and its very nicely forged. The only thing that i don't like is the amount of space. You can definitely make this a...
I don't mean to be disrespectful but it seems like you actually haven't played the game and just based your review off of the description that...
Wow, this is actually a really nice map. the point system works amazingly and i could be better than griffball. 5/5 and DL
It looks like a good fun game for a small amount of people but it can use some more weapons. i could be wrong but a few of rooms look a little...
This reminds me alot of another map recently posted to this forum, but you map looks very good overall, there is some nice merging. 4/5 and ill...
THis looks very good....i can see some very nice merging and interlocking. DL and 4/5
YES! thank you. i undesrtand if u dont seem to enjoy a game of cops and robbers as its not the best thing in halo, but when played correctly with...
THis seems like a really great map. It could use some tuning up to make it smoother in a few places but other than that it looks like a good map. 4/5
Thanks like i said if u guys have any questions or concerns please let me know. Katana master please let me know what you think after you try it out.
Maximum Security Correctional Facility Created By: DeadLock25 Recommended gametype: Don’t Drop the Soap Recommended players: 5-10...
This seems like a really great idea and you've used your resources well. The only thing i could see that was wrong was the camping thing which i...