Thanks for the nearly 200 DL, there will be an undated version that fixes the spawns, weapons, vehicles, and fixtures that will be coming out as...
Rusty, if you check out some of my maps, such as Jerusalem, Leverage/Last Stand, I too enjoy making street/town based maps, If you were willing...
Dang you beat me to it. I was willing to undergo the remaking of waterworks, but from what i see youve done probably better than i could have. The...
Yea, and to be clear, the pallets are only there during the Infection map, Last Stand, otherwise, they are walls or ceilings there to cover the...
The only reason I did not use interlock to set the pallets into place was the look of a rushed shut down of the town, rather than it being bricked...
[IMG] My latest map located in the crypt of Sandbox, Leverage/Last Stand. There are two names because Leverage is a Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer,...
Besides being not good for an infection game has the map played otherwise? Do i have any major testers of the map yet?
Thanks again for all of your input. Again the infection might not be as good as idea as i originally thought but this map was made for slayer, CTF...
Thanks Dummer... I did have CTF tested and it worked well but King of the Hill worked a tad better. Also Neutral Assault worked out really well...
Requiem [IMG] Here is the Download: : Halo 3 File Details Requiem is a symmetrical map in the crypt that has combined all of the tips...
So, anyone who is curious, my next project is going to be trying to move this map to the crypt. The walls of the crypt will act as a better...
Thanks for all the comments guys and be sure to check out the new Jerusalem Market. A new Assassin's Creed Map...and possibly last one.
Thanks Pedo I am contemplating making One Bomb and One Flag Variants on here as well, that's the reason for the one base. As well as the...
I'm back with my final (maybe) installment of the Assassin's Creed map Series. Again, following in the footsteps of Damascus, Middle District...
My Gamertag is ,oddly enough, Esorath! Yea, don't mind forging with others so if you see im online don't think too long about jumping in with me...
Action Shots coming soon!
Ok thanks for the critiques and I understand the problems. Especially the Headshot and battle rifle comments. When I had built this map, Sandbox...
As the description says, this map changes as you play. I wanted to make a map that adds to itself as you play and I hope I have achieved this....
So this is what I think Foundry should have been. I think that this map should be a Slayer/Team Slayer Matchmaking map. Download Here...
The Assassin's Creed Juggernaut Variant is as follows The Juggernaut is white and the rest of the people are red. The Juggernaut has less gravity...