the banshees in buschlite's pic look different to the new ones, they look h3
aw wth, das not fair. il understand if its 100, but i hope its not sumin like 50 --- danrnit, those bungie rascals, FORCING us to make complex...
yup it did, look at teh wings and teh guns. they are bigger and the wings arent attached even tho they were in the other halo games
This thread is now the Flying Vehicle Discussion Thread Go on then, discuss.....
im in no way an mlg pro, but i was good with the br. i welcome change solely because i trust bungie to make a good balanced game. good analysis btww
no, sketch said that they used a version with things left out at comic-con
i love the whole wildlife thing in reach. it really makes it seem real. great idea bungie. i bet sumone will mod a moa so it drives tho was really OP and broke Halo 3 for me. All heavy maps were basically ruined by it and it could knock over a MONGOOSE. It was an easy kill...
Post your ideas for map specific gametypes here IE Fatboy Slim on America (I know, unfair stereotype. "Slim" because he moves a bit faster and has...
the 'goose has traded control for speed. and acceleration. so what? i like that the skill has gone up for the driver. it will stop 8 year-olds...
i voted for the sticky splaser (ie plasma launcher((thats what my friends call it))) because it was a great gun. it had great capabilities for...
ok, honest mistake, i retract my facewall, sorry. but yeah emp blast sounds kool, and i reckon it will be in. anyway, saying emp blast is...
*facewall* spartan evade is the same ability. if it was not, then people would also call the jetpacks different, or the armor locks different. I...
the mongoose is a sexy ass b**** and has my babies. i loved it in h3 and its now bigga for de splats and faster for de capturin of de flag. 1st!
loads of dlc, earlier release, live action trailer or the new game mode.
u be trollin! i said give a reason y elephants will be in or out, don't just pick holes in my logic. and what i was saying is, he would have...
no, u got me rong *facepalm* Because of the chance that the elephant could have been considered as a forgeable object, it must have been here in...
Whats it gonna be? I think either the announcement of a Live Action Trailer or an earlier release date. C'mon number 2
really, a quick dlc? yeh santrap kinda map for the dlc. and also remakes mappack ftw. i want teh pit, guardian +valhalla remade
Guardian is the best map to be remake from H3. It could have great jetpack play and would translate perfectly into Reach. All the guns would fit...