Sorry, I didn't mean tto cause any offence. I just wanted to point out your mistake and make sure that neither you or the community were mislead...
Im gonna make a tall map called skyscraper, with windows and offices. It'l have 4 stories, with a teleporter "lift" that takes you to the top...
This is mostly wrong. Here's the real list Multiplayer Spire Boneyard Swordbase Powerhouse Zealot Reflection (Ivory Tower) Boardwalk Countdown...
It does look pretty small. Its probably because we've only really seen it from Monitor mode. If Bungie say it's bigger, I'm sure it's bigger.
People will say I'm a noob for this, but I really enjoyed jet-pack. Just having that little extra aerial power was really useful. You could fly to...
What kind of things are there even left? Heracy! My list of things that I think may be announced, however only one or two seem likely...
i think this map looks awesome for slayer and jetpack usage. try to tailor it around that. For a bit of constructive criticism, i would say add...
yeh it is a bit. ill bring it back up when reach comes out. with the massive influx of new people joining, itll probably be swamped, but ill be...
i dont even want stats. just tell me things like "in halo ce, spartans could xxxx about half the speed"
Yes, I actually did. But it's not on Halopedia or any other Wiki, there are very few other pages on the internet documenting every change from...
I AM the OP. But like I said in it, what are some of the differences from Halo Reach to the old games. I only know some of the changes from Halo 3...
could we please focus. what are the differences in the spartan's traits and the weapons (providing there is weapon trait editing) from the...
I have had an ingenious plan to aid the makers and remakers of maps. Nostalgia Gametypes Nostalgia gametypes are remakes of all of the gametypes...
Silence fool! Your heretical thoughts displease me. No. 1: They've already remade Lockout. I'm sure Bungie's judgement is more accurate than yours...
man, this map is beautiful. do you promise you'll make this on forgeworld, and put it up for download on the game search function?
@Fox: Could you put out the model so I can see it properly and get an idea of what it's like, because you can't see it properly see it in the...
I remeber this (Warthog coloring) somewhere. Could you give me a link to where it says this though. EDIT: Oh and you can't edit shotgun color....
I really don't see why people care about the look. People never complained about Sandbox. I guess Foundry was an option, but no-one used it. Also,...
they managed to remake hangemhigh, how big is that?
using the teleporter as a base, we can still build about 3 times we could before. I dunno tho, im probs rong --- i dont even want the canvas,...