Nice, but not Great. It's lovely aesthetically, and it's plays decently, but those default rocks are just so annoying. To be honest, in both CE...
@Mequake: I've PM'd you, check my PM out. What's ur tag aswell?
Thanks, what's ur tag. Ill add u when I can. Oh and my mic just broke, so i probably can't talk
For night-time, use Purple and Juicy or Purple and Colorblind. They both look nighty in their own way, but P and J is darker. Edit: Um, I see you...
C'mon Hi Forgehub. I have recently spent time creating good ol' Boarding Action (with a few twists). However, I have run into a dilemma. First of...
No-one so far has created a successful and WORKING Baction Remake. I am an awful forger, so I can't make it myself. So i appeal to you community....
Yeh, I had a look at this. My thought is that you can turn "Neutral Invasion" off and on.
A bit off topic, but has anyone seen the leaks. If so, are there normal shield doors. PS: My plan is to use them like a Halo CE teleporter. I...
2 different things I want to say in this post 1 : Halo Reach : HeatMaps Look at Forgeworld. THERE is your map that everyone attempted...
This is probably the most beautiful map I have seen, just divinely inspired... 2 Suggestions though, which will help you realise the map 1. Needs...
No, I don't think so. There are three stages of invasion. I think the shield doors deactivate every time one of the objectives is reached and the...
An emerald green monkey called Jaspar. He likes lazy Sunday afternoons and sunsets. But guys, map making will take much less time now, because...
It depends how difficult it is to create maps, and how many good versions are made already, but I might make Guardian or The Pit PS: I haven't in...
It'll be nerfed, I reckon in multiplayer, it will only fire 2 or 3 rockets at once.
Won't work, too many expensive pieces and wall. You'll run out of walls and run out of money because the tailor made pieces are $150, and you have...
Only interacts with static object, otherwise it couldn't walk through people.
Too many walls methinks. Maybe make the floor with blocks instead? --- I say add more cover, and a focus rifle in the power weapon spawn to stop...
Awesome brainwave, have it so the bottom level is very slightly submerged. I imagined it more as a ship actually. And also, you might want to...
i dont think there is a GOL (grande object limit), i think the grouping fixed that somehow. but with the prices it shows how many you can have,...
that looks sexy. could you release the file so i can see more