Hey FTG. Lovely remake but a few issues: Elbow is off, bad angles, no little bit to the right when coming from the lift room A few pieces could...
Awesome map Ash, downloaded and practically had a Forgegasm. But, there is the missing jump of railling to door frame on Sniper middle coming from...
Yeh, hey rifte. I saw your utube vid about drop pods and got wondering "would it be possible to have your player spawn near drop pods for the...
Yeah it does. Hey Rifte, this map is sexy. Whenever I see a map made by you I insta-DL without even looking cos I know it'll be awesome :) Could...
Hey Cobb, it's NinjasWithDucks from Bnet, thankyou so much for the formatting you did. It made my post comprehensible, and brought much more...
Para: This map is awesome, I love how you dont actually feel like you're in Forgeworld, you feel like you're in a real map :) Could I have the...
I got a Transport Hog no less all the way through Sword Base, it was so awesome. But no, you don't need a Ghost ramp, just a bit of determined ramming
Rifte, this is the greatest game EVAR! It's completely uncompetitive, and with a bunch of friends (or even just 4 of us) this is brilliant when...
is there a way you could make this with one zombie at start with the hogs, and he has to infect humans to join him so at the end it's like it is...
Rifte, what's happening with Act 3, is that being made or not? Just wondering.
Um's removed. It was my brother, and I didn't realise until I posted. Fixed and edited. But Haris and Leaf, I'm not asking you to make one, I'm...
Random here, The other day, while browsing The Hub, it suddenly occured to me that not a single completely accurate Lockout...
I don't think Blackout has the same spawns, but I could be wrong. Anyway, don't alot of people know the spawns already, I'm pretty sure there's...
Hi guys, Random here Well, I'm sure you've all heard of the Lockout remake which was stolen from II Maky II and subsequently has become a massive...
Yeh, but the idiots had 3 guests. And so did the group of other idiots. Edit: Also, when is Act 3 out, my friends are anxiously awaiting it's release
Yeah, this map is BRILLIANT. Isn't there a way to get this in the MLG playlist? And is this submitted to Forgetacular? Also, I went over the map...
Yeh hey rifte. umm well on the map the team just camped at the start for points. could you place a teleporter to spawn at like, 20secs in the...
Mate, this is bloody fantastic! I love BA and you have just made the sexiest piece map I've ever laid eyes on. My only suggestions are replace the...
Just WOW! This is Brilliant! Luv it!
I was just wondering about the thoughts of my fellow hubbers With SEMI-accurate terrain and (maybe) a slight downsize, would it be possible to...