i used a spoiler so it dosent take up to much space [spoiler]
im probly gonna go quading/dirtbiking a couple of times up in northern alberta (canada, for you people that dont know much about us)
we all know and have at leasted tryed out the foundry designer, so i was wondering....when are they going to make a sandbox desiner to replace the...
i love the look of this map its the perfect racetrack if you just want somthing simple but fun, and it would be good for sniper races because of...
ohs no he ran out of walls and had to use a bridge =O lol but it looks good anf fun to play on
this looks pretty sweet from the pictures, some of the blocks look a little slopy but thats about it
most race maps on orbital are very easy to cheat on and it looks like this one is not, good job =D
the forging is good, but i didnt like the way that you set up the checkpoints because if you mess up or somthing you miss them then its realy hard...
i think that the race maps are getting to extravigant, im starting to lean towards the simple race maps good forging tho
do this arena because i loved it on foundry and i think so improvments could be made on sandbox
I love the MASSIVE city idea and the close quaters...now im not one for close combat, i like to snipe more but i think this would be an awesome...
Dude...thanks for getting that kink out of my neck
Screenshots are broken for me
make it VIP so the Vip is commander and vip is invincable
i liked it until you threw that honor rule in there because...well the people that i mostly play with dont realy follow the honor rules, they...
whats the point for the "sticker" if hes just giving the other people points?
looks good, i cant wait to get mythic maps
looks good =D