[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Which version do you like the best? Do you like it? What do you think could be improved? I purposly...
Joker [IMG] Life [IMG] CnC. Haven't done some in a while.
daily fun with alby!!! Yay!!! I'm going to be hosting a nightly JustinTV thing. If any of you care, you get to see me. I'll be doing it...
I don't know why, but when I turned on Firefox today, V3, it's scroll is different. I'm always on my laptop and I'd use the down button to scroll....
If you all havent heard this yet. Its for those fans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmG6Lp9nXvg The finaliy* at the VMA awards. Some say it's...
[IMG] thoughts? It's supposed to be simple.
[IMG] Amirite? cnC plox
Idunno. Just was messin round. [IMG] CnC i guess.
Wtf? Why did some of the topics get unstickied? Some of them I can see why, but, the psot your desktop thread? That was awesome. the stocks and...
Cnc plox. My first non sprite tag =O [IMG]
My best sig. IMO. CNC [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] We give it all, all.. Now theres a reason why I sig.
FIANL! [IMG] Yah, it has a sprite in it :\. Erm... Tell me which version you like. And if everything looks real. CnC
5 Versions to start out with. Tex gave me the details, so Shadow and other people in the crew tell me how you like it also. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
[IMG] Tell me if you find the hidden text, you can barely see it. CnC ploxxx
[IMG] CnC. I love sprite sigs. I have so many idea for em.
Ahh.. ok. Got it. Here ya go. http://albyhouse.deviantart.com/art/A-non-noob-friendly-sprite-tut-96252969 And embeded for you lazy bastards....
[IMG] The tag's name is power of flow. Erm.. I really like it. I might make a tut if anyone wants it. CnC With feet blended - [IMG] With...
CnC Second sprite sig. First one failed. [IMG] I really like what I did with this one. Upon request - [IMG] [IMG]
[IMG] win? Cnc plox?
She Has Tape Over Her Mouth!!!! [IMG] Win? cnc?