I wasn't a fan of the first game and from the demo i don't like the new one. The problem i found with the demo was the control layout wasn't very...
You have not talked about the map layout or gametype in your thread also you have not included links to the map so we can download it. Last of all...
Ok i have a few. So here we go: 1) no good at strafing 2) fail when under to much pressure 3) lack of focus 4) can't play ranked (i failz alot) 5)...
Personaly i want there to be a after life because it stops me from worrying about dying but i don't think there is anything once we die.
Personaly i would choose invisibility because it seems like alot of fun (and unlike flight there is no chance of bumping into a pidgeon). My...
Download Map Download Gametype Zombie Church 2 Intro This is my new map Zombie Church 2 which is the second in a hopefully long line of Zombie...
Im not sure if i like it or not.
Noobs who have there zone set to pro.
I think you need some color in there because it looks kinda dull at the moment.
They get paid so much because millions people watch and go to there events (& games) which results in millions of pounds (dollars). Now all this...
I don't think we should be in iraq, its not are fight. Are armys being there has just angered most of them and resolted in many people getting killed.
How easy is the game from a zombies point of view?
That looks awesome. Oh and that new map can you send me a link in a pm so i can take a look.
I used to play this ages ago with a bunch of people. It was awesome to play.
Hum. I hear alot about this stuff in matchmaking and yet its never happened to me... god damn why does everyone else get all the fun.
If its a xbox original it doesn't let you use your center menu. Also you can't join partys whilst you are on the game which i find very...
The original looks better. On the new one nothing really fits into place, mainly the scorpion.
Looks impressive, personaly i would build small walls on the pathways to stop you falling off. I give this map a 7.5/10.
I don't think it would be possible for someone to do a L4D map that is fun and like the game because you will have to sort out varias pathways and...
This is kinda old but it made me lol (not really, no one lols in real life). So anyway..... YouTube - The First Double Kill In Halo History