I live in the UK and everyone over here starts to freak out if it snows more than two inches. Last December it snowed about 5-10 inches across...
just under 26,000. I just try and get as many achievments on a game as possible if i buy one.
Ok there have been some new Halo: Reach screen shots leaked onto the net but sadly my computers a little screwy at the moment so to see them you...
Ok i recently made a thread asking people what game i should buy and it ended up turning into a arguement about whats the better game, Assassins...
I fancy buying a new game but im not sure which one i want. I have decided i want one of the following: Bioshock 2 Assassins Creed 2 Borderlands...
Recently many people have to come to believe that the Riddler will make an appearence in the next batman film. As far as i know only two people...
I played MW2 for an hour and a half today online and i got owned by 3 nukes.
I was playing MW2 earlier on domination and 1 point from the end someone got a NUKE and owned us all ): Why did they put nukes in the game they...
Xbox360Achievements.org - Race Driver: GRID Achievement Guide Use this link. It will take you to a list of all grid achievments and how to get them.
I keep trying to get my friend to borrow it or at least take a quick play but hers so convinced it sucks he refuses to play it.
I had this on my last xbox. It wouldn't take any games and refused to work. Seeing as i'm very impatient i went and bought an elite. Sadly my...
I have to say that without a shadow of a doubt that Batman: Arkham Asylum was the game that i was most looking forward to playing this year. I...
Ok, seeing as I’m extremely bored and have nothing to do I’m going to review Left 4 Dead 2 for the sake of it. If i can be assed i may do more...
I mean it's not confermed thats its called Batman: Arkham Asylum 2
I take it that from the title you have all figured out what this thread is. For those of you unfamiliar with Batman: Arkham Asylum her a review:...
A) VIVA is the name of the TV channel they are advertising B) F**K knows
Ok theres a new channel on sky it's called VIVA and the advert for it is always on and the adverts the most annoying advert ever. Check it out:...
I like both of them and i like the fact theres alot of maps for firefight but i would say **** zombies is more fun and i would only pick firefight...
From the title you should of guessed what this is. Basicaly you have to write the name of your vidmaster, a description of what you have to do,...