looks pretty good i've never played an MLG map beforer so i might download it
this looks like a pretty frantic map i might dl it
This looks like a pretty cool map i'll definatley dl it
This looks like an awesome map, the backstory is pretty good also its nice to see a map on Rats Nest
Wow this looks like a really good map i'l try to download it
Wow this looks like a really good map its probably the first of its kind to
Wow cool i'm so going to download this
Wow looks pretty cool i might Download it
This seems pretty good, i like the idea of being in the open to capture, a bit more info would be nice though
Wow this looks really cool,even though i've seen a lot of "floating maps" this one is probably the best. Also seeing the Beam rifle instead of a...
Wow looks pretty cool, i like the interlocking but its a bit dull, maybe you should add a turret or something to spice things up a bit
wow this looks so wicked
Lol this looks pretty cool i love maps like these they are really fun to play
Wow this is cool i like the last picture lol
Wow this is cool i am so going to download it
Yes finnally a way to clone myself (or make a clone) i am definatley going to download
This map looks good but what exactly is it about?
Cool this is one of the first Avalanche maps i've seen. It looks really good
wow this map looks pretty cool i might DL it
I like this map i might download it if i have the space. I really like the idea