accually if you and your friends are in a warthog and the zombies have 300% speed its accually really fun on sandtrap but onto the map it is a...
love the interlocking and geomerging but that door ramp just dosnet look right other than that this map is perfect
so you have to go thourgh a bunch of obsticales to face a guy on a machine gun and if you die you have to do that all again? sorry that dosent...
honestly this map surprised me when i came in i thought it was going to to be a total piece of trash but after looking at the pics it looks really...
the best thing about this map is that it looks like a real paintball arena
that does look awsome but can you get a overhead pic
a little bit of an over reaction eh?
the AC on one side and OS on the other is unbalanced but nice map anyway! o and you make the base a little better(more cover more ways into base...
if you interlocked fliped boxes and put some cover in this would be a fun map for ffa or swords
this really REALLY needs interlocking flip the boxes over so you have a flat surface to walk on aswell
this is the best dodgeball map ever! i love the design aswell
wow! that is awsome great idea
nice but just saying people have made this exact kind of map yours looks best so far
honestly i like pit the most if you had a littlle more cover and interlocked(alot more)it would be better then it is now