I hate lip piercings. I just can't stand them. I mean, everytime I see a girl with them, I think in the back of my head "ouuuch", and can only...
Dude, I remember the video my class was shown was like really ****ed up. This kid woke up in the middle of the night and was like UH OH. Then he...
You haven't tested it? Dude... You need to test your maps man. Nobody wants to download a map that hasn't been tested, because when people...
You can be the rusty trombone player.
Oh can the penist be a jackaholic?
Didn't you join before me? Thus making me the dude who posts more often? Huh. hahahaha
Add ghost merging, and snap/tear/raindrop merging. < That one has lots of names.
I doubt there are more than 20 objects on the map. And only 10 of them are probably even interlocked man. It's a good idea, but it'd be nice if...
Wow. Great map. Superb. I would like to play a game on this. Submit it for review in the TRC. If the gameplay is as good as it looks it may be...
Dude, make your own. It can't be that hard.
No dude, look, I seriously think they should be allowed to have marriage. I do. But what I'm saying is, that is not going to happen because of...
I don't really view it as a debate because it deals with simply morals. But if you think it fits then sure.
Oh well you know what dreaddraco does have a point pigglez. Marriage is a religious bond. It's kind of like being atheist and asking to be...
Hey now. Jerk? Really man? This is a debate. I have no idea what you're talking about. "Separate but equal" isn't a BAD thing. In fact, this is...
Yeah I don't really like that either. I mean, of course I feel a bit uncomfortable in a room full of gay guys. Of course I question if that gay...
I have a gay friend. Good guy. Never held that against him. It's totally okay with me. However, I don't think that you can be born gay. If you...
There are soooo many kids these days that consider themselves "guitarists" when they just... aren't. I think that the guitar is that one...
Oh someone else did this too. I'd try to find it but I'm too lazy. I liked it then, i like it now. Good job. Must have been a ***** to do all that...
I really see nothing wrong with it. I would not download a map depending on how well it was presented or whether or not it had a weapons list....
Most maps that will get 4/5 stars will take a month to make. There are some things that you can LEARN about forge. As in, interlocking,...