a....sledge....hammer? wow that would hurt like hell..... Hey Steeve, I feel your pain, although I have never lived through a divorce, my friend...
I was for a while but the third movie just turned me off of spiderman. the comics and cartoons were awesome, but the movie version wasn't that great
i heard about this not too long ago, pretty interesting. different though
hehehe pretty cool never seen it before....good find
wait, isn't super smash bros. a nintendo game? then why is there a blue screen of death?
I've never seen Blind Guardian live, but I don't think they have ever been to Texas either, so I am definitely missing out....
This looks pretty cool, but the only thing I don't like is the armories. People could camp in there forever, just mowing the zombie down over and...
Absolutely amazing job on this Tex and Shadow, this is well worth it. Definitely deserves being featured because the gameplay is so unique on...
This is amazing, I am so gald it got featured. Way to go Chips, this one definitely deserves it.
I'd like to help you film this if you have an open part. my gt is sabian133, so send me an invite whenever you guys are filming.
some more Blind Guardian, since their so freakin awesome.... [MEDIA] [MEDIA] This is a slide show of Blind Guardian, but the song is pretty...
spiderman.....nuf said. I'm normally a big fan of Marvel movies, and Iron Man was awesome, along with X-Men, but spiderman ruined it for me, with...
This is great Tom, absolutely awesome. I can't wait to play on this one. Period. That's just amazing, and this should get featured. Great job 6/5.
This looks great, but the second banked turn looks a little off. Maybe I am just seeing things, but this looks pretty fun. I'll check it out...
looks pretty unique, I don't think I've seen something like this before. Very nice job. I'll check it out and give feedback when I can.
That's different, I'll have to say, and it's very original, but it seems too simple if you know what I'm saying. It's only one room with multiple...
Thanks for the info, I will definitely look into this because it seems fairly easy to work out. Great job on this +rep to you
The idea has been done before, but I don't think I have seen it done like this. This looks pretty cool, but my only complaint is the final holdout...
This looks pretty cool, I like the center structure the most. This looks very clean, and very awesome, so you would have my download, but I don't...
This looks great, I especially like the bases. This is very good, but I think it's lacking some cover in the middle to protect against snipers....