Pretty cool, I think you were starting this one when you showed me earlier this week. Very nice job, but Deviation the name is already taken by...
I haven't been in this thread in a while, so something must have changed while I was elsewhere....
I've already posted a weapon in here, so now it's my turn to post a vehicle =) Name: The Chimera Role: Super agile, super fast support craft....
Glad to see ya back buddha, this is pretty cool. Nice job on it, I raelly like the way the map looks from the pics, I'll definitely be checking...
I remember playing this in Vice's and Tex's parties in the last TGIF. What fun! Teamwork is a big role in this, as well as communication. But...
Remind me again when this is coming out so I can go see if I can reserve it. I really want this game, more than BF: Bad Company.
congrats on the premium. you really deserved it
Are you guys insane? Deadpool from Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Ok I will
Grats on the feature Smiley Ninja Forger person
A cone launcher. 'nuff said
lol no reason at all pl0x
means please
I can tomorrow at like noon CST, im open then. scoring achievements pl0x?
howa you get reconz?
there's something wrong with you
where did you go
yea man, where ya been for a month or two
Not much, i just changeded my gamertag
This map was incredibly fast paced and very intense with just 4 people on it. Crazy King was by far the best game on this map, very unique way of...