got my first extermination (first out of all the halo games) in my very first game of reach =) grenade launcher + grenades plus whole enemy team...
theres no way to bypass those settings (i know ive tryed) when you google nothing useful pops up ive searched the forums of various sites cant...
@b3nw there ar eplenty of videos on bungie of it in addition to screenshots...boneyard is only playable with the invasion gametype and wont be...
YouTube - Halo Reach Beta - 1 Flag on Sword Base - Gameplay correct me if im wrong but at 5:52 in this video there seems to be a fence wall merged...
Fix'd download away :)
Versatile Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details [IMG] 6-12 players FFA, Team Slayer, 2 flag CTF, KOTH, Oddball weapons and vehicles:...
well you can only ghost merge objects about halfway into another object or the maps if thats what your saying thats just part of the...
lol you posted this topic in a forum where the very first listed sub-topic (i.e. forging 101) has an in-depth look at merging ghost merging...
This is b-e-a-utiful downloading now from the pics looks godly smooth, and beautiful very nice looking however seems like there should be more...
Im builfing something in the exact same area as that lol only its dramatically larger (i should say longer) and doesnt have the wall (to much of a...
while they are both amazing ideas id have to vote for the skyscraper simply because sandbox has more resources to build with and thus would lead...
Updated...feel free to ask any questions or comment on the layout and the like
OMG... that started off and in like that first 20 seconds or so you couldnt see IT... and i was all like 'is this it?'... and then the...
I lol'd a little bit hear (not at your expense...just at your practically quoting me) Anyway this looks vastly improved over the original layout...
Reverse Asset! ODST planning a guerilla attack on redemption...redemption is the main covenant base with ODST's coming in from various ways ......
I know your going for a simple feel... but unless this is a conquest map it is far to narrow and linear (at least thtas how it comes off in your...
@aceofspades sorry for the delay in replying i was in away in Puerto Rico (Spring Break baby) since last thursday amd just got back at about 1 AM...
@Bloo Jay i actually googled bloo jay cause i thought it was something awesome id never heard of... before i noticed it was your username lol...
Bleu J UPDATED PICTURES as of 4/23/10 [IMG] This Map started off with three goals 1.sturdiness (in my opinion a good number of maps sacrifice bulk...
@ferocious leaf Noxiw is correct it is a simultaneous beat down with me jumping (out of the shot) firing a rocket trying to pick up the...