dont make fun of me i havnt cleaned my desktop in like a year or two. feel free to look at all the misc. programs i use ^_^ Knight Kninja made the...
well i still see you have two sigs to do. but there are these three renders i cannot seem to get right that i really like and id like to see what...
yeah the original looks better...but if you read i had to email because my laptop is gay.
so i have been using tuts for GIMP because im not very good but usually when i use a tut i warp a little bit to make it my own. but here is my...
alright getting back on topic. KURT COBAIN :DD! [IMG]
good. project is right. its nothing wrong, he just needs to come down. if its anyone who is getting an infraction its platinum.
wow kid, shut up. and getalife. nemi is cooler than you. and i dont even think you should've gone off for the stupid jesus thing. get over it. im...
i like it. its like the cops busting drug dealers. but the cops of halo are the RECONZ guys. haha. guy inside drughouse - "AHH ITS THE RECONZZ,...
there are alot on construst like this but i like this one. its different. ^_^
thank .. you? haha.
wow you need to come down. i was joking. oh your cool give me -rep for joking around...getalife.
hmmm 34% a very exact number :P how do you figure? hah.
since you already made a ninja one i call using knights!
made this one today because i was bored and it was raining out. also im not home and my xbox is broke D': but anyways. edit:added border. [IMG]...
dont be so hard on yourself y35. it took me like a month and a half and many tutorials just to get OKAY. :)
agreeing with sdrakulich put either pictures as the tut goes on or even just put a finished picture. so people have something to compare to ^_^
im going with Lord Sick1g because his background goes very well with his sig and has a nice feel to it. also husky=epic win. you need a reason...
hey if you want to fix it, its up to you. haha.
nice Asper. Do you use photoshop or gimp? im guessing photoshop. i agree, huskies are awesome.