it works for me. but uhm i would say if you have the picture make your BG and FG colors black and go colors > gradient map. and maybe it will...
.. its not -_-
it does have Gaussian blur, but he was talking about selective gaussian blur. which PS does not have.
Lone Deity he had a nice choice of colors and its really popped out. also Lone didnt make it too busy, just made it look really good.
alright was bored tonight and decided i'd try your tut :] i got a little lost in the middle with the repeat step 2 thing transparent layer. but i...
I've never seen respected before. anyone know someone who is one?
i think you have my vote dark. very original. ^_^
ill try it and post after. but nice tut lock. goodjob :D
good. also lockdownn, when you coming to RI?
thanks, i've started to get better. and i guess its showing but i've still got a looooong way to go ;]
yeah the bursh over border thing was actually an accident because i wasnt paying attention :P ill do what you said to see if it looks any better.
pretty good for just starting photoshop. Like most I use GIMP, Im getting Photoshop soon though.
yeah was really bored today. So I opened u plenetrenders and this render was on the front page, so i used it. Is it good? Give me feedback :D...
i think he took a picture of his guy in active camo, cut it out and just effected it a little. like greyscaled it.
you would need people woh arnt annoying and are going to cooperate. the board wouldnt be too hard. IDEA: we should have a giant FH chess game....
welcome to Forgehub. I see some people already told you, you need pictures. if you need any help maybe THIS will help.
thanks man, i worked hard on it. :]
stay on the boxes created by: x assassin54 x [me] A mini game map that uses the infection gametype. The basic concept of this map is that one...
a failed attempt that took me much too long. >.< [IMG]