thanks man
Description: This map is mini game were one is infected and all the others are humans with one life. You have to try to make it to the end without...
yeah that new style is working and i guess your right i didnt see your first ones, but everyone has to start somewhere. you should make a tut :D...
like alot of others said they probably wont change it. but i will join the group and participate.
from what ive seen youve always been really good. now your just epic.
reaper why are all of your sigs so epic? hah.
not as good as some of the ones ive seen but i was bored and thought id give it a try. [IMG]
epic. really like the music that went with the video. even though you said minimal editing was still really good. and you own with sniper. :)
alright sorry. i vote yes, because in my own opinion the goverment makes it sound like heroine. but really its just a jacked up ciggarette. ive...
i love your SOTW sig you made, its epic.
1. Linubidix 2. Reynbow 3. TDHarding 4. Lockdownn 5. Dizfunky
its is pretty amazing. and linubidix, i just tried to count them. im almost certain i messed up on counting. but i got around 110. so i'd say...
i dont know, i really like the idea of it, but ill agree with adding a little bit more. maybe add a bit more and make a tut? that would be nice :D
reallly nice layout. i really like it. probably my favourite part is the four staircases interlocked :P 5/5 and dl'ing
wow, this racetrack is pretty amazing. one of the best ive seen in awhile. 5/5 deffinitily.
CaMOfo because i really like how he made the sig pop out, also the explosion basically comes out of the picture so to speak.
different. i like it. already dl'ed and im the only one so far to. :]
i will make yous a sig :D -x assassin54 x
well i was on vacation at a friends beach house and I couldnt get internet so i made some sigs. here they are. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
yeah that is what he wants platinum, i think i saw a render of an all black city skyline, but i dont know if it was chicago.