Yeah, Dylan, I'm releasing this soon. Thanks for the positive feedback. @Viet Honor: No there doesn't "gotta be more." How can this even be...
The Ops Center Map Preview [IMG] The Ops Center is a FFA map that I plan on releasing soon. The map is on Rats Nest, and the whoole area that...
*Shamelessly copy/pasted from another forging site.* This looks pretty amazing, man! I'm downloading now, and I'll be back with a gameplay review...
I couldn't find a budget glitched map, but I did find Mason Cain's true Citadel canvas. I just suggest clean budget glitching it yourself. Here...
I prefer goal-based Infection. I absolutely HATE it when people make retarded infection games where the humans camp in rooms that have only one...
I may be able to help. My Gamertag is PELGORE, and you can find my best map in my signature(click the picture). :)
Mpa Nmae: Feechurz V28.4 Despritcion: Feechurz V28.4 are a prtety gud mpa i maked a wile aog an it iz a cul mpa on Alavanceh 4 mlg an it iz a...
I would assume so. However, that is not up to me.
I think forgers will find Longshore to be a pretty good forging map. There's a decent forging pallete, and the maps natural geometry seems to hold...
Wow, this definately deserves more attention than it's getting... *bump* Anyway, on to the map. As Fuzzywig said, this looks very much inspired...
No, it does not. Grenades have their own setting that allows them to be on the map or not. It is impossible to make equipment(including Active...
The Maps Forum is for finished maps only. Ask a moderator to move this to the Forge Discussion as a Map Preview.
Yeah, today maybe?
Well in that case, I'll have to give this a try this weekend.
Sure, why not? I need it as well, and I've got a friend who also needs it. He's getting someone really good to help out, so that makes 4 players....
A wonderfully written guide, good sir. This will surely come in handy when I'm going for my 3rd attemt at this achievement(Damn you Chieftan...
Are these maps Infection-based, Slayer-based, or what? No matter the answer, I was a fan of your previous map packs, so I'm sure you'll like this...
You men the one with 1,000 rockets?!?! Also, I remember trading weapons with Dare on the "Data Hive" mission.
Actually, I think you can.
1) Heretic 2) Citadel 3) Utah Mambo Yes, I'm enjoying Mythic II.