Okay just found out what its about so disregard my question.
Hay guys does anyone know what this is about I have no clue what its counting down to. Xbox | Halo Reach
I'm looking forward to the plasma repeater and the concussion rifle just because one the plasma repeater is like a stronger version of the plasma...
I just want to know why Juns looking up its butt. What makes it worse is that he has a sniper. :P Anyway man I love that bungie has put animals...
That's not new the wings could do that in the beta when you did a flip.
It's killing me trying to decide what I'll do first. I really want to do campaign first because I've always finished it before I went to any...
On Spire in the first picture to the left it looks like a covenant version of the reactor in halo wars you know the ones that were randomly placed...
Man I just watched a firefight video from the comic con and one of the new vehicles is the forklift I loled at that Maybe since we can drive the...
When I start forge I'm going to make a map were everyone has unlimited jet packs and they have to keep flying or else they fall to there death....
Yay they made rocket race an default gametype I can't wait to play reach even more now and finally theres a laser spree man I've been wanting the...
I got bored so I felt like posting these. I also put some pictures from the reach beta in there that I took, but those are not staged. Under...
53) Covenant Watch towers 54) Ability to change colors of lights instead of just blue and red 55) Covenant Turret 56) Be able to forge on...
Man I am so excited for Space battles. Its as if a Battlefront 3 is coming out but halo style. I just hope that we can create maps in forge for...
I noticed that they brought back the heretics and that there's five types of hunters. I wonder how the heretics will play a part in reach?...
You might want to also add that you can now make choose settings for your name instead of just the waypoint. There are also loadouts that were...
The plasma launcher is perfectly fine in invasion and their spawn in my opinion. If the spartans stay at that base waiting for the launcher and...
My favorite loadout for spartan is Jetpack with an assault rifle. For elites its Evade with a plasma repeater and plasma pistol.
For the one with the vehicles I saw in the mongoose race on powerhouse that they were forced to spawn on the vehicle and if they flipped over and...
I agree as soon as I try to drive that thing it goes backwards then forwards. Its really messed up also because it kills everything in one hit....
I don't really care to use it because I'm more of a jet pack guy but if I ever decide to use one I will know what to do with it because of this....