very neat interlocking i like it
Very interesting. i would say a 1v1 map. nice interlocking. of course i just got a weird feeling that something needs to make it more fun
Ill do it as fast as i can
I tried everything i know my comp isnt working w/ any today sry
I like the tower. a little sloppy tho. overall nice map. 4/5
Bumper Cars Created by Battleman36 2-4 players. After raging in the harsh winds of Avalanche the crew decides to have a quick game of bumper...
nice . i love it.
bumper cars should have some meaning to it. such as you fall off anarea you somehow die. that would be interesting
xlent interlocking!!!!! 4.9/5. the only thing bad is that there is too many power weapons. that doesnt bother some people,or me, but some may...
The first map was amazing i love it!
1.5/5 here its kinda pointless
the switch activates the trap door. when you activate it a fusion coil falls and explodes the grav lift holding the pallets up. you also cannot...
This map looks sloppy but that doesnt mean its bad. it is really fun. somebody who doesnt download this is missing a lot
I am getting a lot on how there is a lot of open space. i will start working on that. i will not change these pics because it shows the general...
Very neat foging. 5/5 . In your description you said they have to run away on mongooses. where r they
Pics are to small. i see what your trying to do though. also this is probobly not an asymetric map, i would probobly say its a casual map. 4/5
This is a great map! nice inerlocking. i love ship maps. 10/10
i tried to put a few small details such as a truck and a forklift holding a crate. thx for the tips ill try and use them
There is a mongoose ramp at the corners of the map but that pic didnt work. there is a lot of interlocking on it but you cant see it very well.
This needs pics. im sure it would look good, but the pics would be nice. 3/5