well people could incorporate this. maybe make it more neat and maybe cover up the front to make it a long box. but its a few suggestions. neat idea
uhh. probably took about 45 min to an hour to make. not very well thought out too. if you want some serious thumbs up you need to make it a little...
very nicely made. i could see this actually being a map made by bungie. well done 5/5
looks well made. some pics dont work. some do. also in between the pics could you add what that pic shows. overall though it looks fun
wow this looks fun. i'll DL. I like the idea of the no cheater rule with the kill balls. very smart idea. nice map making.
the interlocking is very sloppy. i feel like i dont get a very good view of this map. pretty good job ghosting. just make sure you delete all the...
looks really medieval and cool. with lots of people you could have a lot of fun. my one recommendation would be making the paths between the...
looks really fun. its like a maze. i have one question though. whats at the end and can you get back to the beginning without dying
that looks really cool. you definetly put some time into this map. it looks really fun. i DL
it is a very good idea. but interlocking and some advanced forging would make it even better. kinda seperate the pictures next time too. it kinda...
i cant see the map very weel. if you were to give an overview of the map that would be good. i dont even know what this map is. no DL
nice and compact. you got my download
amazing. seriously. lol. great map. i DL
really wish i could've seen more of the map and less mid combat pics. sorry i cant dl until you show me more
this map is really cool. i would dl just to look around. good job 5/5
it interested me from the very first picture. it could pass as an actual map made from bungie. 5/5
looks fun. i dl. this really looks challenging. im recommending it to friends
hmm.. interesting.. i dont really see the point of this map. it's kinda bold. i dont know how to say it. however, no dl. sorry
looks pretty good. i can tell you put a lot of time into it. an overview would give people a real perspective of how large it is though. 9/10
it is a good map. but it is kinda open. a little more scenery would be good. 4/5