Hey, someone who read my intro. I love you lol. BTW I had no clue this was a rule and did not know that I was breaking one. I have never seen a...
Hey, someone who read it. I love you lol. BTW I had no clue this was a rule and did not know that I was breaking one. I have never seen a rule...
Since you still have not read it all at least read the last section.
Congratulations on the feature, I was wondering when this was going to get here. I really love the way you did the bridges. Everything is so...
Dang, nobody has read the whole thing yet. The first person who reads it all gets a cookie. BTW thanks for the welcome.
I feel special that the one and only Domi is reading my intro post.
Is anybody going to actually read it all?
You fail at life. You did not even read it all.
I have been a part of this community for like a month and a half now. I never got around to making an introduction thread, but I was bored tonight...
Welcome to Forgehub. Before you start making threads and doing crazy stuff please read these all important rules. By the way the rest of the...
How did that happen?
Would it not only work on maps that are level. It would not work on maps like the pit.
Yea, most of them are no good at all.
I didn't know you were the guy with the sick promo in his sig.
Your map looks really good so far. I wish I could test it out but like I have said before I have the RRoD.
This map looks very sloppy. Some places like this these example you could have merged(fence walls: [IMG] Your ideas are ok but the way you put...
I don't feel it was rushed at all. I got the whole picture and know exactly how to do it now. You make really good videos which teach me new...
I could not find the pic of the higher one, but I remember it was much higher than that. He also used some glitch. He did not walk up like you guys.
I have seen higher. I will try and go and find the pic.
I am going to be honest, I didn't think the game was good at all either when I started playing it. After I got use to the maps and gameplay I love it.