I was wondering you you would like to do a collaborative effort on a map. I am making a random maze map on Sandbox (This time it's big..), and I...
I really wana see this finished. Could you message me when this is done? Alright, and when you update the map, could you put comparrison...
I think that you should balance all the structures out. Have an idea of what gametype you're going to make. Do the humans have unlimited ammo? Are...
I think he's a duesh for stealing your map. I acctually like yours. You should remake yours on Sandbox just to piss him off.
Today I am sick, and I had to stay home. I've spent a lot of the 2 hours building a map on sandbox. To be more specific, it's a random maze map....
Honestly, this just proves that you don't have enough testing/time/consideration to get it right the first time on your map. Plus, you copied the...
Don't double post. Just edit your original post. I'm not even sure why you tried bumping it though, it was only 14 minutes old. Anyways... The...
I knew it was in the crypt. I maybe didn't word that right... Sorry. And what I'm saying is, the outer ends are REALLY dark, but the middle is...
To be honest, this is a great idea. Implimented well. My only problem is that the hiding spots in the middle are obviously not going to be the...
Which one made it?
Hey, I'm EconomyPuppy and my brother is DownfieldAcorn. Just invite us whenever.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this...
Ooh.. That explains it.. I got the gravity lift and I had no idea what to do. I actually wandered around the middle area for half an hour and...
I enjoyed this map a lot. Took me about an hour total to beat it (I couldn't get the stupid power drain right under the gravity lift). Orbital...
I will consider it, but I don't know anything about the map you're trying to make.
I've been waiting to play this map for such a long time now. Before they even anounced the release date of the MMP, I've downloaded the gametype,...
Sign me up. FH - A hobo GT - EconomyPuppy
This map is really nice. My favorite part is the bridge. It reminds me of the London bridge. Do you think you could spice it up for infection? 4.5/5