Well, I was thinking. Maybe you should make a random maze in the crypt. Make it enormous. Then it would be so much fun.
Are you any good at mazes?
This is so obvious that you made a new account just to back yourself up.
Well, I'm happy it's a 1v1 cause me and my brother are usually bored. Got any infection ideas?
I know people talk about that being an elite in team SWAT improves your chances of winning. How so?
Well, this is a piece of ****.
Does it involve deer hunt, or maybe infection?
Do you have any plans for new maps?
You should remake this on Sandbox, but have it maybe a random maze. I love this, just I wish it was bigger. That would be so much fun.
I'm in love. ____________ Since I have to comment about the map, I guess I'll say some stuff... Well, this is a great idea. Nice job basing it...
You should make a rollar coaster like racetrack, maybe single-wide so there's a challenge to stay on. You should make it have one of the biggest...
Some duesh on another thread said this was a 1 hit kill zombie that's recycled garbage. Anyways, could we get a game started up on this?
Oh, hell no. The City is definetely not old recycled garbage. The City is a bring over from township. Screw you if you think it sucks. And it's...
This would work really nicely if it was random.
I hope that's a joke, because that's the most stupid sentance I've ever heard in my life.
Isolation just flat out sucks. I've never liked that. That's the only map I've never really liked. But Assembly is diffrent. Assembly is...
This isn't a Sandbox ***** thread. TBH, you just sound like a *****. GL getting banned for that troll-starting post, that had literally no meaning...
Alright, he told me that the way that you said is correct. But I always get host when I try to do this, so I still don't have the hang of it.
The map is nice. Could be a little cleaner though if you smoothed out some stuff. If you also made more of a drop pod switch, that would help....
Alright, I love this game. But some suggestions: Make for a bonus round map that you can download, that instead of giving people BRs it gives...