You obviously don't know too much about the game to not know if you can mess with scoring/splatter damage.
You could make a tunnel from the crypt, and when it comes out have a spinning gravity lift with shield doors around it, that would seperate the...
I'm not sure why everyone likes this. It's just fat kid without the fat kid, and even more turrets at one spot.
That was the worst review I've ever seen. You just took 6 points off because HE DIDN"T MAKE THE FLOOR?? Apparently you didn't play it, because you...
A hobo POPPER???? What do you wana do? Kiill me?
God, I wish the link for the DL would work. I wana see this so bad.
Well, you're a ****. You didn't have to tell me to GTFO, you could of just said clear it up a little.
I have found a spot in the dunes that will work just fine for the terrain. I was going to remake it, but I decided not to, because I don't build...
How is Guardian winning?!?!
This was my brother, we were playing splitscreen. We were on Rat's Nest (we were in the part, that if you go on the only outside part of rats...
Maybe people would comment if you put this up on youtube so we don't have to download it just to watch it. I don't have that big of an attention span.
After all that, you want him to make you a foutain? Anyways, this map is pretty amazing. I'll tell you some flaws after I test. Rack up a...
Alright, a little tip for Infection maps that only would have one life. Instead of setting lives to one, you could: A. Put mini-zombie spawn...
Hows about you put him on a ghost? (???)
Well, it isn't so much of an explination thing or showing thing. It's more like trial and error. But I've got a good one that started me off....
Wow. If you finished this, it would be amazing.
This is pretty much amazing. It looks pretty much like a chandalier. Did you use the max item limit to make this? If not, how close are you to...
This looks amazing! This maybe could even go into Aesthetic map seciton.
This is a great map. The only thing I can say is, maybe make the platform a circle shape, and maybe have some stuff like deployable cover (no...
I love this map. But I'm sorry, don't ever do decoys again. I hate that. And random teleporters.