Amazing Folk/Pirate Metal song.
God's a label for the higher being. That higher being is powered by faith. Faith is consumed by believers. There ya go. The argument over the...
Yeah, we changed things around recently. It's not HaloGrid anymore, now it's
lol yeah, but only in one scene (The MCR scene).
My music tastes are all over the place. I listen to Heavy Metal, Alternative rock, Punk rock, and pretty much everything in between. My favorite...
wat a jokester!
I smirked at the video but personally, I feel that this is the best thing to come out of this whole incident.
wat's dat suppose 2 meen!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?1/1/11/1/1/1/!?!?!?
i love a lot of these. I was going to submit my own, but decided against it, so if anyone wants a stock image, you can use this one. [img]
Hello! =]
Pretty original and comical, but I kinda do not like the text. It reminds me of Halloween instead of Christmas. Maybe instead of A's in the word...
Oh, you didn't have to do that. Thanks anyway! :-]
I'm one of the admins on and I'm pretty involved in the Halo machinima community
Yep, you're right. I was, for the most part, psyched for this game, but until the 3rd-4th level, I just lost all of my interest in the game. It's...
Call of Duty: FarCry is a terrible game. Nothing like the other FC's in the franchise. I don't even consider it a FC game. Nothing personal to...
i know you
I know you
I finished the game today, just a slight question I need answered. Where are the Berserkers? :(