With over 200 games played, here's what I take from the beta so far. Gripes + Too many rifles and guns with scopes (pistol), not enough CQC...
Remember that one time when Halo 3's coding was leaked and most of the stuff on that was accurate? Same scenario here. Maybe this should be...
Blizzard releasing 'StarCraft II' on July 27 - Game Hunters: In search of video games and interactive awesomeness - USATODAY.com
hah. Just had a nostalgic moment and remembered your old name. Dunno why lol.
Lol. EA has ruined MANY franchises. Madden, Skate, The Sims, Command and Conquer, The James Bond franchise (which they do not own anymore),...
Activision is the best publisher out there, I don't understand why people are upset over this. It's not like it's EA or anything...
This game is so cash. My first game: Bungie.net : Reach : Game Details
Meh. The Crapitals are by far the favorites, and have been for months.
The Rangers ;_;
This whole thing stinks. The soldiers only reacted because they thought the camera guy had an RPG on him. I mean when you see this: [IMG] ...in...
I miss Halo 2.
lol upside down pictures. Arthas Menethil - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft lol I'm a Tuskarr. The World of Warcraft Armory -...
1. Stray from the Path 2. Bring me the Horizon [inb4EMOLOLOL] 3. Architects 4. The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza 5. Arsonists get all the Girls.
I'm pretty sure the MS employee had a very hard slap on the wrist, but they wouldn't revoke his privileges over something minuscule as this. MS is...
Where'd ya hear that? I check MMO-Champ frequently and found no such info relating to that. Also, the alpha started recently so I highly doubt...
YouTube- Keith Olbermann Neuters Bill O'Reilly Fox News isn't necessarily biased. The shows/segments/personalities that they promote,...
I laughed at the fact that as the Jets were getting their asses kicked, Saving Private Ryan was being played only 3 channels from it.
Invest it into a small business.
Knew this was going to end up on FH. It's not, in any way, going to happen. Period. Michael Pachter is a joke of an analyst. Take a look at his...
The World of Warcraft Armory My pride and joy. I'm on a break from WoW atm, prob return to it soon to run some Ony and ToC.