Omg omg omg omg omg omg idea STEALERRR!!! :3
I'm pretty sure your supposed to have an un-edited picture of your map for your thumbnail image. You could take the one you have now, and post it...
I didn't take those pictures just for this thread. They were just on my facebook and it was a lot easier just to grab those. If i cared about it...
I only actually have like two or three games saved.. i guess I'll just send you a few clips from those then.
can i send you clips? or do i send the whole game?
I would if i could dude. No capture card, and no bungie pro.
If anyone has a decent sized clan, or is one. Please recruit me. Preferably a competitive one that is involved in game battles. My gamer tag is...
I only teabag if... They tea bagged first I'm not trying Its completely justified (I get an extermination or something) or... if i feel like it...
FAT KID!!!!!! Oh my god, i missed the great escape maps of halo 3 sooo much. I know this isn't one, but i miss fat kid in general. Downloaded...
This mini game is sexy. Nice work man. Some people were screaming from the excitement when i played haha.
It looked promising, so i downloaded. I played it with about 12 people, and I'm not gonna lie, no one in my party liked it. For the first part,...
Map looks awesome! But it says the game type cannot be found. Please fix!
FINALLY!! Immediately downloaded. Nice job. Looks like a challenge! I hope the gametype works the same. <3
Well, in the hands of a skilled played, you can use ANY weapon. And win.
Of course its balanced! I almost cried when i found out it wouldn't be in reach. In the hands of a skilled player, it can take on any other...
I run 10, with bump jump.. I know 10 isnt really necessary... but i like to mess around in game, and i will spin around when i jump. I think 10...
Yes (besides the your whole team quitting part). Its your fault for failing to counter. It's really not that hard.
Just putting this here for later, no where else to put it(: I'll delete it when im done....
This looks orgasmic. I looooove chase maps haha, and this one has ALOT of creativity around it. Great job! Downloaded.
Sooooo...... I understand the "Mexicans" need to "hop" over the "border"... but whats the objective of the game? What does the "boarder patrol" do...