Yeah, thats what I ment, when i do that it says could not download list. that IS from Halo 2
I am just kinda mad, I want to play some more Halo 2 before it dies, but I cant download any of the DLC for it on my 360, it cant find the list....
Seriously though, Does Anyone notice that the Weapon Skins and Models look like Utter CRAP compared to BC1? Why the Downgrade?
GAH, I HATED IT. The Invisibility was kinda redundant because EVERYONE has Thermal Vision. So Basically if you get within 50 feet of a marine your...
No, in the blog, they said it was an ongoing issue that happened when taking screenshots on Halo Reach. They are Fixing it Healthbars will NOT be...
M40 Back Plz G3 Was Epic New Maps + Old Maps Fixing Host Migration. Whenever a good host leaves, it subs in a completely awful host that lags...
As Much as I hate the Game, Halo 3, because I want B.A. Armor that works. and a Katana ,and the weapons are cool. And I can FCK GRUNTS UP
I will say right now, I dont like you. I have a 1.75 K/D 3000 Kills with the Intervention I Quick Scope all the time, it is VERY effective. I...
I would like all you people who think camping one spot for longer than a minute is bad, I want you guys to think about something. If you were in a...
THIS^^^ It gets really annoying. Your sitting there, ammoless, you run up to an assault guy and knife him to try and get him to give you some...
1) Intervention - I love Bolt Action Snipers, The Intervention has been my favorite sniper rifle for years, One Shot Kill, Great for Quick...
I am saving up my money for these with either cloud or Crimson frames Gunnar Optiks - Products# they look BADASS