I will do it when I get home today, itching to try something besides cars in CS4!! --- HA, WOOOOW Like even the lighting on your FACE WAS PERFECT....
Thanks for this, it was something to kill a few hours with... I didnt enjoy it that much though, I mean it is basically if you have been playing...
I also Have the Dazzle DVC 100, If you want one to make montages though, I DO NOT Recommend it unless you have the RCA Video Out ports on your TV....
Oh wow, Me too, Modern Warfare 2 Killed Gaming for me. Up Until I bought Modern Warfare 2, I would play for about 5-6 hours a day. Then I got MW2,...
For those of you saying the Barrett is hard to quickscope with, I disagree entirely, If you throw an ACOG, or a Thermal Scope on it, and have a...
ALSO DO WANT..SOO BAD I played the First one and SUCKED at it, but it was still enjoyable. Lookin forward to the second.
HAHAHA, I just noticed your Avatar, the Mirrors Edge Girl (Faith isnt it?) Avatar Style, that is just badass dude.
Meh, I hate Modern Warfare 2, It is nothing but people constantly n00b tubing and taking advantage of every single glitch in the game. It almost...
Definitely not, This one is 10X better than the first one, I also felt the same way about the first. This one steps waaay outside GTA territory....
Nah, I only ever played the Demo for the first one, The scenery was awesome, but besides that it just didnt catch my interest that much. This one...
The people who got this message where people who actually PLAYED the original XBL games, and for the Reach thing, it was for people who played...
I cannot WAIT.. THOUSANDS of years later? Does this mean Super Portal gun? That Shoots 4 Portals? I mean, it already seemed High Tech, and the...
Yup, I have learned how to make an AWESOME game, throw reality out the window and your left with a high-octane, UNrealistic, Freakin EPIC game....
haha, that hilarious
Yes, ok, its thursday. GRIF, YOU SUCK, YOU ARE A Dreadful fool. I hate you (until tomorrow) now go DIAF. KTHXBAI
WHOA, Your a forgehub Member too? Lol, See you on BWO
Meh, I was just havin a really bad day. I prolly shouldnt have posted random things on forums. Cool, can you start tomorrow? lol
OH...EM...GEE... I think I cried a little when I think of the time it must have taken to make that..... Forging Master is in our presence. all...
PLZZZ, I really need one. And you seem perfect for the job. :(
Here they are, gameplay/Music Choice/Editing by me I am still getting used to Pinnacle Studios so bear with my editing until I get the hang of...