Thanks, I found it thanks to another thread. But thank you very much for the link. In case anyone else was wondering: YouTube - The Seatbelts -...
It was from Cowboy Bebop... Episode Title was "Hard Luck Woman"
Heard it a while ago on a TV show and am DYING to find the full song. All Help is greatly appreciated. YouTube - What Song is this?
I dont care what other people say, I think its a cool new idea...Good Luck with it. I cant think of anything I need ATM...but If I do I will let...
Well, Going for the same thing as you, here is what I came up with: [IMG]
Well, you seem to be getting a little better, I noticed you blurred the background too, which is a good move except the background was already...
Well, I was only going to do 3, but that left a HUGE Blank Spot in there...there still kind of is one in the middle...I am trying to find a way to...
After Seeing anemone take a shot at making one, I though I would try it as well... Just an Attempt at one: [IMG]
Here is my Submission: Shadow Demon: [IMG]
Oh Mah GAH...I SEE IT!!!... I think another name for it could be Rorschach because it kinda looks like his mask...or the test!
You should do one of those cool ones that changes when your mouse moves over it... and have it normal like it is now, and then when you mouse over...
Eh, After about 15 hours its starts to get really annoying, the cover system is actually quite bad, I take cover next to a door, Press "A" to open...
Congrats on getting the most B.A. version of Photoshop ever. As for the pic, its veery creepy lol. Not much to CNC there, on the left it looks a...
Ha, I can feel you, I have a huge passions for photography as well...AND EDITING... Hope you don't mind, I edited that last one a little...
Holy Crap, I bow to the Paint MASTER... Everytime I try to do something in looks fricken TERRIBLE. Great work dude...I love it.
YEAAHH!!!!... I live in Oregon City, Oregon...I love my Ducks as well... Thus I love this sig..
I am 100% sure that is LeeKegans Knife from the 405th... He posted the same THE SAME ones...that HE made....not u.
Yeah, I am a really big fan of B&W...and there wasnt any color to work with would look weird to have some in there with a B&W...
lol, WTF??!!? No joke guys, the first 20 times I clicked my link, it showed me the wallpaper...hmmm..I will download it and upload it to...
C'mon Miraj, the GFX Master that you are, I would expect you to know that .png is god in the GFX world..