Isn't it in bomb carrier traits? Check there.
Like previously stated, the cat walks are very thin. I actually made a map similar to this in Halo 3, and everyone ended up walking on foot rather...
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Master Chief?... Master Chief was in the end custscene of this game? Since when?
Why did you mention credit limits? Are you going to somehow achieve 60,000 credits in one day and be mad you can't earn any more?
It's been tough trying to gather some clips, but I've been really looking forward to making a community montage/funtage. I haven't decided so far,...
Looks really cool. I haven't seen it yet.
I didn't now you had the same avatar as me. I'm changing it!
Looks like the bodies are floating on a barrier outside the a map in campaign...
That's Firefight buddy...
I'll probably make a map within a map on Zeolot where it shifts gravity unexpectedly when entering another half of the map. I don't mean entering...
I'd like to make a map, if you could tell me the basics of how to set it up in a pm I'll take over from there.
Actually there are more screenshots. One of the front of Powerhouse and another of the inside. If I can find the pictures i'll post them for you.
There are no VIP spawn points, or I would have used them already.
Damn modern warfare 2, so addicted. Invite me next test session. I don't want to miss this, it looks epic.
I noticed that a loooonnnggg time ago. It's as if Bungie purposely did it, i havn't seen any other maps with items outside of map boundries.
Normal Zombies should have no shields, 500x resistant And a custom power up with Alpha Zombie traits(180 seconds) but with shield decay.(only for...
Starting a new round usually resolves the problem for me.
I'd like to help, I'm kinda bored of halo so this will help. Just add me and send me a message that says forge in it so I know. Oh and my 48 hour...
Are there going to be more maps? Or just these three.
I tried to incoporate this into my asset map but the asset hid in it and was indestructable.