Are you serious?Thats really funny.Mybe i should i through random stuff togther and get an idea.Lol.But that map is epic.How long did it take to...
Dream this map is epic.It so fun.The way you made the sniper tower is really unique.There is nothing bad to say,And is that me and THIZZ KILLER in...
Alright i know you made End of the Line awhile back but what gave you the idea to make a train?
I think there is a god.No one never seen him but you never know he or she can be everywhere.We just dont notice.I believen the Jesus Christ and...
Against dream?WOW.Thats funny you guys are just mad becuase hes a better race track maker then you.Yea thanks for comments but when you talk ****...
Are you talking about the wave bank turns,if you are im telling you guys that im the one who invented the wave bank and being smooth.Im the one...
Hey i got to say.This map is epic.This map is realy perfect in bomb.The part the i like and when i played on it i was camping at is the ramps on...
Well that part is for turning any speed.If your good at driving you can easly drift and take that turn.But sometimes you just can go slow.But...
Wave Ripper Created by oO SLiK Oo Supported Gametypes: Any Battle Tracks Gametype Map Description This is the second version on Atomic Wave...
I like the feal in the map when playing on it,snice your new at forge mybe practice interlocking and Geomerge on a canvas.It helps out so...
For a first map?This is pretty good,interlocking is nice too,those are good signs besides that the map is really basic,Like you should of put more...
I think the map is alright,the bank turns are very clean and neat.The only thing you should fix is the single wide parts,besides the bank single...
The map layout is good but when your in the middle your like entering at your own risk becuase you go into the middle of the battle field.You...
I Like the double walls how it waves but the only thing thats kind of cool and kind of dumb is the dumbster in the middle.Its alright idea but i...
The map is so smooth.Racetracks now at days some are ruff.Thats what caught my eye is smoothness.Plus the track really fun to play on.Awesome Job!
Dream this is better than the 1st version.The part i like in the map is the fence walls.Its really smooth.The other part that i like is the...
I love the map layout,its very very cool.The thing that caught my eye is the fence boxes,its a straight away is what i like,the only thing i dont...
The map is very fun to play on and i like the double box bank turns.The only thing i dont like is that you cant really go full speed but thats...
i Like the layout but the thing that would of made the map look better is if you flipped the boxs upside down.The map is clean but if you would of...