Thanks ForgeHub for our Feature.I respect everyone in forge hub giving us the chance to be featured.Thanks And thanks to DREAM for working with...
Hehe...Thanks man!
My bad
Oh yea i know that.I didnt tell you?
Oh thanks you dude.Thanks really!!!
Difinely should be sold to minors.Yea safe sex and Protection from STD's ,but they do bug when you have them on.But have you thought,Do your...
I got admit,this is a pretty good track.The only thing i dont like is theres a wall turn that when you go it ,it like slams the moongoose.But...
I just raced on it and theres a few things i dont like.You need to fix the hill a lil bit.When your going up you made it do down to fast.What you...
This map has some really intersting architecture it in.My avorite parts are the Bridge and how you make that bunker thing is say.It has very good...
Im going to be onest with up i think the map is really simple.The best thing i like is how you did the tripod arch.Its pretty cool.I just think...
Thanks man!
wait i dont get it?
Grats dream
I no but im still be the same dork./retard! hehe
I no but im still be the same dork.hehe
Yay im very happy on our feature,Im was so good to work with Dream,Dream your lucky,your a premium,Lucky.Thanks guys
This map has a very interesting map layout.The gate side base is very nicely interlocked,I got to say this is a really good map.The thing i dont...
Im not a Fan of a standoff map.But i got to say this is the best standoff race track i seen.Its really smooth and i thought that want possible on...
This is very nice.I thought about making this awhile back.But this has the same layout as foundry.The only thing i didnt feel right is the cover...