The map is pretty cool,Even though you didnt post it right,The only thing you mite wanna fix is the ramp to sniper tower,How the double wall...
I just raced on it and it was pretty smooth,Theres one things that really kind of kills it,Its the man cannon part,That gives you to much power...
Wow that sucks,But fighting at my school aint nothing.But did cops and bomb squad be at your school.
i started in 8th grade then stopped late freshman year because i was getting cuaght up,But Yes legalize it.
I can agree with him,But the game play is very fun though,Very good job!5/5
This map should get featured..This map is the best feel one playing on it,One thing i dont really care for but it doesnt matter is the the...
Sorry if im harsh but this map is really kind of basic,really open and like only to main bases,Mybe put some structures our somthing to give it a...
Im going to be onnest but the map layout is cool but theres thing i dont really like,Like how you have the boxes,you should of turned them over to...
Awesome job ivory,This map is very fun and unique.Nice ivory
1 for sniping and 2 for BRing
What if we put our fav song on our profile
Welcome to forge hub!,But what do you draw? Me i do Graffiti and airbrush
This is a very intersting unique kind of map,The hallways are very very neatly interlocked and very well balanced,One question,I still dont get...
Its pretty down but im a graffiti artist and it doesnt look like graffiti,But it is an epic pic
What i like about the mao is that it has simple fun layout,The only thing that got annoying is very you have the to box opens side to side.When...
It took about 35 hours to make it becuase i had a way differnent layout and i made that layout.But if i had this layout mybe 20 hours. But i have...
Yea hes right.But in my point of view the map is really good for a firrst map,Yea mybe start a canvas and practice geomerging and interlocking,but...
Very nice map.Very fun to play on,the only thing is its to open in the middle,My be you can put a little berriering on it,beside that the...
This is an awesome map.The bank turns are very smooth and neat.The only thing i dont like is the first brigde.Its really to steep.When you go on...